Wednesday, February 6, 2008

One Definition of Crazy

I have heard that one definition of crazy is to do the same thing over and over and expect a different result. I would like to share what I would consider a perfect example of this with you.

Everyday on my way to work, I go through one traffic light and have a stretch of maybe a quarter mile to the next light. You can see the next light very clearly in the distance. The two are in sync with each other, meaning that they always change in the exact same relationship to each other. The speed limit is 50, though most people pretend the speed limit signs aren't there or don't apply to them and drive closer to 65.

Every day, I go through the first light and stay at about 40 up until the next light, because it changes to yellow and then red fairly soon after going through the first one. Even driving at 40 or slightly less, I always get to the second light while it is still red. It is impossible to drive fast enough to get through the second before it changes to red.

This doesn't stop people every morning from flying past me and racing to the light before jamming on their brakes. The guys with the 10 ton pickup trucks that probably get 10 miles to the gallon are stupid enough, but even the Prius driver with the supposed interest in being "green" and getting good gas mileage is guilty of it. Aside from the wasted gasoline and extra wear and tear on the brakes, isn't this the definition of insanity for those people who travel this same route every morning like I do? They get the same result everyday....


wayfarer said...

I see stuff like this ALL the time. hilarious.

Chelsea said...

On the AWT, which is what I'm assuming you're driving on to get to work, if you go 49mph you can hit every light. It might be different during the morning commute, but during normal traffic (or, after school traffic which is where I learned this Oh So Many Years Ago) 49 is the key to hitting them. I, of course, still prefer to do 65 in the hopes that one of these days I will prove myself wrong and get home (or to the nearest Beaners) 5 miliseconds quicker. Isn't that what life is about, after all? Avoiding the long stretch of traveling and getting right to the good stuff? That's how the Bible puts it anyway:)
