Monday, January 28, 2008

My Family's Style of Speaking

First off, I have to say that my Dad is one of the most selfless and caring people that I have ever known, and I mean him no disrespect by this post. It is true however that he has a unique way of looking at the world and of speaking. Let me explain by example:

About 15 years ago my Dad broke his kneecap and had knee replacement surgery. It was a difficult recovery at that time. One of the things he had to do was wear support hose on his leg. His term for it: his panty hoe, since it was singular.

He also had one of the lenses of his glasses fall out once, and he talked about how the "len" fell out.

Other interesting phrases:

black as pitch

brown as indigo (this was is particularly interesting since Indigo is sort of a bluish purple)

My dad is from Western Pennsylvania, and there are a few other phrases and pronunciations that are perhaps unique to that area. My maternal grandmother spoke the same way.

"gum bands" instead of rubber bands
"you'uns" for you plural (sort of like y'all in the south)

Saying "deesh" instead of dish, or "feesh" or "weesh".

My grandmother was still alive when the first President Bush was in office, and she pronounced his name "boosh."

Any one notice anything about the Ohio area's way of pronouncing things? This might be easier for people who didn't grow up here.

1 comment:

juvalee and bru said...

hey Jim...
I find your posts very interesting!! I've noticed something after talking with people that live outside of the Dayton area that us Daytoners have our own unique words for things. Here are two for example:

"Plat"--everywhere else in the world it's a neighborhood

"Briar"= to everyone else, it's a hillbilly.

Anyway...miss you guys!!!
