Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Word Puzzles

For some reason the other day, I started thinking of some of these word puzzles. Now that I have an outlet for this sort of thing, I decided to write them down and think of some more. They are words and phrases that are alternate ways of saying something that should be recognizable. I'll give an example:

Highly Temperate Canine = Hot Dog

where Hot Dog is the common phrase (unless you've been reading my other posts and you have been moving into very eccentric territory.) I'm picturing someone going into Rudy's Hot Dog (which for most people is a stretch in and of itself) and asking for a Highly Temperate Canine with mustard and onions.

Try these. Some are phrases. I'll give answers tomorrow.

Hirstute Sculptor

Serious Sower

Skinny Grabbings

Gaze First, Then Jump

Small Home on the Plains

Good Luck! (This was a wish, not one of the puzzles...)

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