Saturday, January 12, 2008

Word Fun Volume 1

Spice up your conversation by changing the way that you speak! Amaze your friends! With just a few simple changes, you too can be considered eccentric!

Volume 1

Try using words that you are used to hearing as negatives instead as positives. For example:

Instead of calling someone "uncouth", tell someone that you think is cool that they are very couth. Act very chalant (instead of nonchalant.) Other ones to try:

jointed instead of disjointed

plussed instead of nonplussed

concerted instead of disconcerted

mayed instead of dismayed

wieldy instead of unwieldy

There are plenty more than just these. Try using them in sentences:

I was very mayed to hear that my parents were coming for a visit. That knife is very wieldy and easy to use. I didn't do well in the interview, as I felt very chalant.

Do you have any suggestions?

1 comment:

Chelsea said...

"I'm not getting much of a workout on this terrain, there's too much cline."

There's more, but I can't think of them right now!
